The casing of Button Mushroom:
After complete mycelium growth, the compost surface is covered with a thin layer of moist material which is the mixture of FYM, garden soil, and coir pith in a 1:1:1 ratio. The prepared casing soil is treated either by steam at 65-700C for 6-8 hrs or by drenching with commercial-grade formaldehyde solution @ 3 lit in 40 lit of water per cubic meter of casing soil. The pH of the casing soil is adjusted to 7-7.5 with an addition of calcium carbonate. Uniform depth and evenness are the two important factors while casing the substrate. Spray the water immediately after casing application and thereafter daily.
The microclimate in the cropping room should be adjusted as mentioned below:
- Substrate and air temperature are lowered to the fruiting range of 16-180C
- The humidity is lowered to 85%
- The carbon dioxide content of the room is reduced to <1000 ppm by the induction of the fresh air
- The room is lighted on a 12h on/off cycle.
Harvesting of Button Mushroom: The fruit bodies developed within 3-4 days. The uniform fruit bodies of 4-5 cm in diameter should be hand-picked in a twisting motion. Trim the stem base with a sharp knife, removing only the flesh to which the casing is attached. Daily watering is required after harvesting the first flush; 18-20 kg of fresh mushrooms can be harvested from 100 kg of prepared compost in three breaks.
Development of Button Mushrooms Packaging of Button Mushroom for sale
Economic of Button Mushroom: On average, an entrepreneur/grower has to invest capital expenditure of ₹ 1.0 lakh for every one-ton production of mushroom per annum. With the best management practices, the benefit-cost: ratio will range from 1.6 to 2.0
Dr.V.P. Sharma (2019) Handbook of Horticulture (II edition), ICAR- DKMA Publishers, (Vol 1), Pp. 563
Mushroom Production Technology (Part-1 & Part-2) (
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